MediaTek launches its latest smartphone processor, the MT6589. It is the world’s first commercialized quad-core SoC (System on Chip) made for mid to high end smartphones and tablets. The MT6589 possesses the Cortex™-A7 CPU, PowerVR™ Series5XT GPU, and MediaTek’s own advanced multi-mode UMTS Rel. 8/HSPA+/TD-SCDMA modem. The MT6589 has the 28nm process technology, which brings powerful performance at a very affordable price.
MediaTek releases new Quad-Core processor!
MediaTek launches its latest smartphone processor, the MT6589. It is the world’s first commercialized quad-core SoC (System on Chip) made for mid to high end smartphones and tablets. The MT6589 possesses the Cortex™-A7 CPU, PowerVR™ Series5XT GPU, and MediaTek’s own advanced multi-mode UMTS Rel. 8/HSPA+/TD-SCDMA modem. The MT6589 has the 28nm process technology, which brings powerful performance at a very affordable price.
Best Android Phone?
Choosing an iPhone is easy -- do you want black or white? Buying an Android phone is more challenging, but potentially also more rewarding. Google's operating system can now be found on dozens of mobile phones, not to mention tablets, ebook readers, TVs and even cameras.
We are going to give away the latest HDC smartphone when our facebook page hits the 500 likes!!! Everybody can join the contest and get a chance to win! You'll only have to like our facebook page! And to get even more chance to win it - also share our facebook page on your timeline! By the timee it reaches 500 Likes one lucky winner will win a recent HDC smartphone!! We will give out more prizes when we hit the 750 likes!!
Note: If you are under the age of 13 you must ask permission of your parents! Otherwise you may not be eligible to win!
Note: If you are under the age of 13 you must ask permission of your parents! Otherwise you may not be eligible to win!
THL W7 (MTK6577 - Dual Core 1.2Ghz - 1G Ram - 5.7 inch IPS HD Screen - Android 4.0.4)
6 Top Chinese Phones You Should Buy Instead of the iPhone 5!
Chinese phones are no longer just clones and knock offs of foreign products but instead represent some of the best Android phone currently available! Here are our top Chinese phone on the market now. With so many great phones from the likes of HTC, Apple, Samsung, Sony and others why would you decide to buy a Chinese made phone instead?
Like Us On Facebook!
We have finally created our official facebook page! We are still unknown and would like to change that! So we will give away a recent HDC phone on the time when our facebook page reaches 500 Likes. In order to join the contest you'll only have to like our facebook page The winner will be chosen randomly! Everybody can join to get a chance to win the phone! Please feel free to share this page with your friends! In the future we will give away more stuff!!!